Newsletter 9th March 2015


Rod Fry Race
Use of Members’ Boats
Rubbish etc

Rob Fry Race Next Sunday (15th March) – please race or volunteer

Our annual race to Fremantle and return is this Sunday – please get involved to help make it a big success.  To help with catering, please register now – remember we have a Recreational class this year for casual paddlers – no first place, but many prizes.

To volunteer for one of the 30 or so jobs it takes to run this race (registration, timing, spotting, safety, food etc), please email Lee at .


Observant members would have noticed the results of several hard day’s work by perpetual Club painter Kerry Hughes, aided by his son-in-law Patrick (not a member!), Kevin Luttrell, Peter Andrews and Peter Ewing. Scaffolding was erected to safely complete the external work, and the upstairs internal ceiling and some walls had a fresh coat to cover some blemishes. Many thanks for your efforts.


Use of Members’ Boats

Members are reminded that Club boats are stored in the BLUE areas, have a RED tag attached to the tail, and club asset number written on them. If you are caught using a private member’s boat without permission then you will no longer be a Club member. With recent damage to some private members’ boats we might need to install video surveillance – not something we should need or want to do!

Food scraps and Cleaning

The Club is cleaned every 2 weeks, so please don’t leave food scraps in the internal bins – it’s very easy to use the Council bins outside.

Would someone like to volunteer to keep an eye on the supplies in the toilets please? We have plenty of stock, just need someone to replenish when needed. Contact the President if interested.

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