SCC Strategic Planning


The SCC Committee met in late August 2020 to develop a Strategic Plan to assist in guiding the direction of the Club. This is intended as a first attempt and is open for feedback.

The process for developing the Plan included notification to members and an invitation for input in the August Newsletter, the Committee Strategy session and final review and approval.

The Strategic Plan will now form part of the broader planning and reporting framework at SCC. The budget will be developed with alignment to the strategic objectives, actions taken to meet those objectives will be reported at the AGM and each year the new Committee will  update the Plan and incorporate new objectives for the coming year.

SCC is a Club of members and as such member input is always welcome. Please feel free to pass on your thoughts to a Committee Member whether for the current Strategic Plan or preparation for future plans.

SCC Strategic Plan 2020 – 2021 FINAL

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