Further to the email sent earlier this week ( ‘URGENT – SCC NEEDS YOUR HELP!’ – click here to see original email) on submissions for the Parliamentary Inquiry into recreational activities in public drinking water source catchment areas, many members have come forward with comments for the submission and Karen Green has very kindly offered to collate the submission for the club.
However we still need your input. Please see the attached list which shows which waterways in WA are affected. If you have used, currently use or intend to use any of these waterways or to recreate in their catchment areas (within a 2km zone) then please forward your comments to me rebekah.manley@woodside.com.au. Please also refer to the Other Links below for a map of the areas concerned and a facilities guide.
What we need to do is collate members comments under the following headings for the submission; 
  1. The social, economic and environmental values and costs of recreation access, where possible, to Perth hills and south west drinking water catchments, including the costs and benefits to public health, water quality, recreation, Indigenous culture and management options.
  2. State, interstate and international legislation, policy and practice for recreation within public drinking water source areas, including information relating to population health benefits and impacts.
  3. The range of community views on the value of water and recreation in public drinking water source areas.
  4. The costs and benefits of alternative water quality management strategies and treatment for water catchments containing recreation.
  5. Possible recreation sites or opportunities available outside the Perth hills and south west drinking water catchments
Remember THIS IS IMPORTANT – its part of the WA government`s strategic plan, it won`t stop here – if a precedent is set we may lose further recreational access not just for paddling but hiking, picnicking etc.
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