Going for broke on Broke Island trip.



The annual club Australia Day, Broke Inlet trip is being held near Walpole from Friday 25/1/13 until Monday 28/1/13. 

It is often challenging and always interesting.

Last year we had a magnificent camp-site, fantastic sunny weather and blue skies for most of our stay, however the trip home was hastened by a tailwind.

This paddle involves carrying all your camping gear, water and food for the four days and you need to have done at least the Introduction to Sea Kayaking or have equivalent skills.

If you might be interested or would like more information, contact Geoff Emery on 0403 604 082 or gnhemery@bigpond.net.au.

There will be a briefing on Wednesday 16th January at the club, to discuss gear and packing and the plan of action. 

However if you are at all uncertain about your ability or the trip, then contact Geoff Emery well beforehand.

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